Wednesday, January 28, 2009


hahah...i survive...
this is what happen yesterday...yesterday, while playing football, a dog came to the first, the dog was chasing some kids but not to bite them or anything...the dog was juz playing around and wanted to have some when the kid started to stop running, the dog got bored and when to the field where we were playing, at first, everyone was walking slowly, but the dog approach them, they were running...i was walking away slowly, but since the corwd ran towards me, the dog thought i was playin too and chased after me...i ran for my life and around the taman untill one uncle stop the dog with a stone..hahaha...we were laughing like hell after was hilarious....
so, lastly, i survive the dreaded chase....hahaahha...was a good year to start the chinese calendar with...running hahahah..,
thats all for now, till later...
chow cin cao

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